About Me

Hello Everyone! I am Riya and this is all about me! I have studied Journalism and Mass Communication from Calcutta University and since I love research work and very passionate about writing, I joined Content Writing.

I have almost 3 and a half years of experience and want to keep up my experience in this field. Throughout the years I have gone through various ups and downs in this field, but as a content writer, I have always given all the situations a tough fight.

I have worked on contents related to real estate, fashion, web development, travel websites, car paints, lighting, interior designing website, supplement sellers, fashion jewelry, and many more. Having worked for both Indian and international clients has enriched my knowledge about the likes and dislikes of the clients.

Personally I like to keep my writings simple, and friendly. My intention is solely to inform, entertain and educate people. Being a content writer I under my audience are of various ages and different countries and unitedly they can simply understand what I want to say.

I started Daily Ease Life with the intention to write blogs and stories on topics that can ease our life. With the help of my website, I plan to reach out to my readers, friends, and well-wishers and also help them in every aspect of their life.

Having Journalism as my main subject why did I join content writing?

Frankly speaking back in 2016 when I joined my first company SEO Content writing, or Web Content Marketing, the genre of Digital marketing was completely new. Companies were working on Search Engine Optimization and social media optimization as online marketing has been already popular in foreign markets. So, I started learning the rules of content marketing and started forming blogs, articles, website contents, landing pages, press releases, SEO content for my work websites.

Gradually, I found my job very interesting and somehow I feel I can express myself through my works, my writings.

I am also a freelance Content Writer, who loves to work for the clients looking for unique, plagiarism-free contents. Moreover, I am also associated with a reputed digital film magazine CULT CRITIC, as a writer. Since I love watching movies, writing reviews, and interviewing filmmakers is surely a pleasure.

Follow my blogs, and feel free to comment.





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Meet Our Team

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James Stone

Creative Director

Ashley Riordan

Art Director

Albert Coleman

Marketing Head

Clemens Steiner

Manager & QC